Your Eclipse Guidebook (Digital)
This is a 55-page personalized digital guide thoughtfully crafted to support you over the next two years of eclipses. In Your Eclipse Guidebook, you will unearth insights into the ancient wisdom of the cosmos. This guide is equal parts whimsical and grounded. You will stir your creative spirit and explore the mystique of the universe, while remaining rooted in practical intention.
This digital guide includes:
✦ Eclipse essentials
✦ Eclipse calendar and timelines
✦ How each eclipse affects your Rising sign
✦ Guidance for releasing with the Virgo South Node
✦ Guidance for aligning with the Pisces North Node
✦ Bonus insights: How this eclipse affects your other birth chart placements, such as your natal Sun, Jupiter, and even Chiron
The Astro Map
The Astro Map is 100% customized to your unique energetic hotspots around the world. Astrocartography reveals ideal locations to spark romance, take a solo trip, attract personal or career success, magnetize abundance, or support your healing journey (and beyond).
This digital + audio offering includes:
✦ Map with top cities marked
✦ Top 3 places to live (+ detailed explanations)
✦ Top 10 energetic matches (+ detailed explanations)
✦ Bonus unique destination
✦ In-depth astrocartography glossary
✦ Shareable Instagram story graphic
Moon Guidance Membership
Become a member and receive weekly moonscope updates, straight to your inbox. Subscribers get an email every Sunday at 9am EST, outlining the energetics of the upcoming week.
The moon travels quickly, and these shifts are felt on a daily basis. Moon transits are like the weather app. You don’t need to check every day. But, it’s nice to know when it’s about to rain, so you should grab an umbrella. It’s also nice to know when to schedule a sunny park picnic.
The Astrology of Days Guide
Introducing “Your Guide to the Astrology of Days,” a comprehensive 37-page digital guide crafted to help you embody the planetary archetypes.
This digital guide includes:
✦ Framework for planetary rulerships
✦ Exploration of ancient roots and mythology
✦ Daily rituals and suggested activities
✦ Aesthetic moodboards and visual inspiration that capture the essence of each planetary ruler
✦Work and productivity tips for entrepreneurs or career-driven individuals