The Astrology of October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra

The Astrology of October’s Libra Eclipse

When: October 2, 2024, at 2:49 pm EST

What: Solar Eclipse in Libra (South Node)

Insight: Over the last two years, the South Node in Libra has revealed deeply ingrained patterns in how you relate to others. Your relationships—romantic, friendly, or professional—have been put the test. Now, a familiar story plays out, evoking lessons from October 2023 or March 2024. This is the beginning of the end: the solar eclipse on October 2, 2024 is the final Libra eclipse taking place near the South Node of the Moon until 2033. Read your horoscope below, or join our Membership for a deep-dive (use code ECLIPSE for 50% off your first 3 months).

In the Cosmos: This supercharged new moon conjoins Mercury in Libra. Your recent perspective shifts are illuminated. If you are going through any tricky relationship or interpersonal dynamics, communication is the soothing balm. There is no true harmony with another person without open, honest dialogue.

the final chapter

Enter familiar testing grounds. The Solar Eclipse in Libra is the last chapter of a book you have been reading since July 17, 2023, when the lunar nodes entered Aries and Libra. This final chapter brings the entire story to its conclusion over the next six months.

You made major leaps in the Libra-ruled realm of your life. This is your chance for clarity and resolution. The Aries–Libra eclipse series reached its peak in March 2024 and April 2024, when you (the main character!) were faced with a big challenge or decision. Since then, you have been navigating the inner or outer events that shook out. These final eclipse sequences bring events full circle, so you can build upon them and make sense of your future path.

If you’re keeping the peace, whose peace are you keeping?

Any form of passivity or self-denial has been redirected over the last two years. You have been nudged to confront serious topics with other people. Attempts to avoid difficult or complex subjects were thwarted by the universe. When you avoid conflict, you are in a state of false peace and prolonging your own internal discomfort or non-peace. A true state of harmony can only be achieved with conflict resolution.

These eclipses have revealed that anger is your compass: anger is usually the tip of the iceberg for submerged emotions that need an outlet. The Aries North Node teaches the Libra South Node: it’s okay to lose composure. It’s okay to lose your zen. You are not “too much.” To allow yourself to just feel is an act of bravery and self-compassion. Don’t be ashamed of your rage. It means you care.

You are shedding old patterns and refreshing how you relate to others. This eclipse series has challenged the notion that not constantly ensuring other people’s happiness is letting them down. You don’t have to be easy, agreeable, or palatable for others, especially not at the expense of your own comfort. And guess what else? You don’t need to be liked by everyone.

Slowly but surely, you are erasing the word “should” from your everyday vocabulary. There is nothing you’re “supposed” to do. Only you know what feels right for you. Trust your instincts, rather than asking for everyone’s opinions or overthinking their input.

Aries Sun or Rising

October’s supercharged Solar Eclipse in Libra is a cathartic release. This eclipse initiates a new phase in your relationships—romantic, friendly, or professional. You have spent the past two years releasing dating patterns and outgrown relationship dynamics, as well as reframing your perspective on love and commitment. You have also made big moves in your personal life, grabbing life by its horns and deciding what you want for yourself. When you trust and prioritize your needs, your relationships evolve along with you. Whether you initiate an important meeting with your manager, set boundaries with a family member, or stand up for your needs with a friend or partner, you are mastering the art of self-advocacy. 

Taurus Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra initiates a new cycle related to resonant work and daily routines. Spend this week meditating on impact and meaningful work. You may gain sudden insights or realizations about your career path, work relationships, or job satisfaction. This eclipse can signify the completion or launch of a work project—or the transition from one phase of a professional or community role to another. You are rethinking how you contribute to the collective. This could involve finding new ways to be of service and adjusting how you approach working with others. Let something go so you can carve space for fresh energy.

Gemini Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra stirs a powerful shake-up in the part of your chart related to pleasure. Over the last two years, you have shed outgrown beliefs or emotional patterns around dating, love, sexuality, or sensuality. Your approach to leisure, art, and creative urges has also evolved. A fresh cycle opens. You could initiate a passion project or release your latest work. You might also find yourself releasing anything in your love life that feels misaligned or finally discussing an important subject you’ve been avoiding. Because the South Node in Libra is a point of release, you could offer something romantic to the world, such as making a dating profile, sharing couple photos, or announcing an important relationship milestone.

Cancer Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra stirs a powerful shake-up to your home, family, or emotional foundations. You have been meditating on an element of your home. This eclipse reinvigorates stale energy around your roots to cultivate fresh, fertile ground. You are transitioning from one phase of your inner life to another—and this is cosmically connected to any career shifts. Over the next week (or next few weeks), you might leave behind a familiar space for one better aligned with the person you are becoming. You could disentangle yourself from family or social pressures and focus more on what you want for yourself. This could also be a time of selling a home or belongings, moving, redecorating, or redefining your source of security. Let something go, and make space for growth.

Leo Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra shakes up your usual rhythms and daily exchanges. This week throws you off balance. The next few weeks transform how you express yourself and engage with others. This could involve releasing outdated communication styles, such as ineffective tools or platforms. Recalibrate the dynamics of your daily life, such as spending time in a new local spot, getting a change of scenery, or reimagining your schedule. You could feel ready to leave behind familiar places, soon embarking on new adventures. The dynamics of the people in your immediate surroundings—such as roommates, neighbors, family members, or a partner—could also shift. Remember, it’s never too late to change your mind. This eclipse shakes loose stale energy around your roots to cultivate fresh, fertile ground for new growth.

Virgo Sun or Rising

October’s soul-stirring Solar Eclipse in Libra opens a new cycle in your life related to finances, work, or self-worth. Since 2023, you’ve reimagined how you make a living or value your talents and skills. You are rethinking what it means to feel “rich” and, in the process, releasing a scarcity mindset, recalibrating spending habits, or cultivating an appreciation for the things you have and the body that moves you. Continue confronting how worthy you feel of attracting abundance or spending money. Contemplate what you anchor your self-esteem to. You will manage your finances more wisely—or differently—to reflect this phase of life. Whether you outgrow material attachments or stop playing small in your work or finances, your next venture is around the corner.

Libra Sun or Rising

October’s soul-stirring Solar Eclipse in Libra initiates a new cycle of personal growth. You have spent the past two years shedding outgrown mindsets or aspects of your identity, as well as reframing your perspective on love and commitment. By letting go of specific aspects of self—past experiences, old beliefs, or behavioral patterns—you create space for a richer, more complex picture of who you are becoming. When you vibrate at a different frequency, you attract like-minded connections who you can grow with into your life. The people and experiences you attract are mirrors for your inner desires or fears. Take notice of the emerging feelings, thoughts, and sensations now. Over the next six months, you could merge your life with someone, deepen self-love, or cultivate sensuality. 

Scorpio Sun or Rising

October’s potent Solar Eclipse in Libra stirs your subconscious, uprooting buried emotions or unresolved issues from the past. If your life (or mind) has felt nonstop lately, carve out space and stillness. You long to withdraw and recharge in your own energy but can’t seem to catch a break. You are preparing to make strides in romance, creativity, or discovering meaningful work—and with this comes the finality of old chapters. Slow down. Focus on your inner glow. Clear space for a new beginning, as an ending is approaching. Whether you find a new therapist or scatter pieces of yourself that you have over-identified with, let something go. 

Sagittarius Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra clears space for a fresh start. Whether you reflect on friendships or meditate on your part in a group or community, this is your wake-up call to find your people. This eclipse could signify the completion of an important friendship cycle or the transition from one phase of your social life to the next. Over the next few weeks, your sense of belonging transforms. This involves assessing your bonds, letting go of misaligned friendships, or cultivating social dynamics that reflect your evolving self. When you vibrate at a different frequency, you attract like-minded people who you can grow with. You could also contemplate whether you identify with a specific group or community.

Capricorn Sun or Rising

October’s supercharged Solar Eclipse in Libra refreshes your career path. This is a time for soul-searching and letting go of where you thought you would be at this stage of life. You have been outgrowing professional goals or definitions of success. This completes an important work cycle or signifies the transition from one phase of a community or public role to another. Disentangle yourself from self-limiting narratives, social pressures, or family expectations. Focus on what you want for yourself. When you fixate on other people’s opinions, you distance yourself from your true passion or craft. You aren’t stuck or lost. Look around—there are so many emerging paths and possibilities. Be curious!

Aquarius Sun or Rising

October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra reframes your perspective. Even though you feel lost or uninspired, you are on the edge of a breakthrough. Your life is changing tracks again. You are outgrowing long-held beliefs about your existence, purpose, or future path. Continue reflecting on your role in academia, institutions, or other broad systems. You are drawn to new subjects or returning to previous interests, seminars, courses, or workshops. Set your sights on a new intellectual or spiritual horizon. This could involve taking a soul-stirring trip or having an illuminating conversation with a guide or mentor. You aren’t stuck or lost. Look around—there are so many emerging paths and possibilities. 

Pisces Sun or Rising

A new cycle begins. October’s Solar Eclipse in Libra shakes loose stale energy in your life to cultivate fresh, fertile ground for inner growth. You recently made the biggest leaps and discoveries about your energetic investments or attachments. This season of your life invites temperance. Rebalance any extremes in your approach to healing or mental wellness. This eclipse could also draw on themes of inheritance, insurance, investments, and other large sums of money. Address any financial issues from your past or subconscious blocks surrounding giving, receiving, or sharing resources. Whether you create a regular container for therapy, consult a tarot reader or psychic, or delve into philosophy, you must navigate old wounds and triggers now.



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