Your Guide to the Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo
Your Guide to the Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo
When: January 11th, 2025 – July 26th, 2026
What: The lunar nodes change signs, departing the Aries–Libra axis and entering Virgo–Pisces. The lunar nodes are points where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky.
Insight: When the North Node enters a new zodiac sign, it illuminates a realm of life that is unfamiliar, challenging, or beyond your current comfort zone. Although it feels out of your depth, the nodal path is ultimately emotionally cathartic and fulfilling. On a collective and individual level, we are shifting our ideals and values in the direction of the Pisces North Node and releasing deep-rooted Virgo South Node tendencies.
Changes on the horizon: Your key checkpoints or significant milestones occur in March 2025, September 2025, March 2026, August 2026, and February 2027. Want to know what these eclipse seasons have in store for you? Join our Membership or download your Eclipse Guidebook.
✦ September 17th, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
✦ March 13th, 2025: Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
✦ September 7th, 2025: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
✦ September 21st: Solar Eclipse in Virgo
✦ March 3rd, 2026: Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
✦ August 27th, 2026: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
✦ February 20th, 2027: Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
The North Node in Pisces invites access to a deeper well of wisdom.
2025 is the year of surrender.
Emotions are messy. Navigating the deep, emotional realm of Pisces takes patience and self-compassion. Virgo wants to get to the root of a problem: to analyze, to deduce, to solve. It doesn’t want to deal with something ill-defined, ambiguous, or irrational, which many feelings and thoughts tend to be. Rather than numb out or escape uncomfortable sensations, such as anxiety, you delve deeper into a pool of sensitivity.
We collectively crave healing, cathartic release, and transcendence. We want to merge with something beyond ourselves, such as the spiritual realm or the collective imagination. This is the year of artists, creators, healers, lovers, and mystics. As the interest in ancient or mystical tools heightens, you may tap into intuitive gifts, delve into energy work, or explore your unconscious with dream journaling or meditation.
On a broader scale, the Pisces North Node will heighten our sensitivity to collective issues, such as social injustice, environmental concerns, and humanitarian crises. You may feel compelled to address these issues and work towards creating a more compassionate, kind society.
The South Node in Virgo reveals that, as a collective, we have been overthinking wellness and healing.
The influx of modern spirituality has overcomplicated what it means to take care of our bodies and minds.
We have collectively fixated on how to optimize: optimize our sleep, optimize our routines, optimize our protein intake. These eclipses are about slowing down and finding our way back to the basics.
We’ve become disconnected from ancestral practices. Think about the cold plunging trend. Our ancestors bathed in rivers and streams. Think about foot acupressure or “earthing.” Our ancestors walked barefoot. Think about “forest bathing,” which involves immersing yourself and mindfully engaging with nature. Is that not something we can simply do, without naming it? Think about the bone broth wellness trend. This is what our grandparents and great grandparents made for themselves.
Simplify your self-care and connection to the divine. You don’t need to “rewire your subconscious,” journal every day, or process everything 24/7. You don’t need to research phrases and labels for what you’re feeling.
Just feel it.
With the South Node in Virgo, you are letting go of the belief that something is fundamentally wrong with you or that constant self-improvement is required. You don’t have to do anything.
Just be.
The Pisces North Node path is one of acceptance over resistance.
Every negative emotion doesn’t demand an immediate resolution. Sometimes we can sit in the bad feelings without curing them. You know when you vent to someone and all you need is to cry and rage and get it off your chest? Well, isn’t it irritating when the other person immediately offers up advice? Problem-solving can be comforting, but maybe we just need to be witnessed and held in our sensitivity.
Being human is a beautiful experience, but it’s also very uncomfortable. Show yourself compassion.
Aries Sun or Rising
The Moon’s North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your inner world, revealing hidden talents or strengths. These abilities surface in times of need or during periods of introspection and healing. Prepare to confront deep-rooted patterns and unconscious habits, eventually discovering a sanctuary within yourself. In the past few months, the universe has gently urged—or even forced—you to slow down. Since the lunar eclipse on September 17th, 2024, you’ve gotten a glimpse of inner shifts on the horizon. You thrive in environments where you can be bold and lead the way. Whether in group settings or personal projects, you find yourself naturally stepping into a leadership role, guiding and motivating others with enthusiasm and vision. If your heart isn’t in the work you do, or you can’t find an outlet for growth and leadership, you must pave a heart-led path. Seek to be of service and help others, while also prioritizing your passions.
Taurus Sun or Rising
With the Moon’s North Node in Pisces, the flow of your connections is redirected—deepening your experience of love, friendship, and authenticity. You try to hold things together for yourself and others. You are unlearning the tendency to be so hard on yourself. When things don’t work out, sometimes the universe has something better in store. You’re encouraged to step into more empathetic, soul-aligned relationships and friendships. You may find yourself drawn to people who are more open-hearted and emotionally connected. When someone isn't emotionally available, seek out people who are. This cosmic shift invites a spiritual awakening or deeper insights into your purpose in life. The key is to trust your intuition and allow your close connections to guide you toward a more authentic, healed version of yourself.
Gemini Sun or Rising
You are ready to meet the ideal version of yourself that you’ve imagined—and re-imagined—for so long. You have felt stuck, burnout, or uninspired in your work lately. The Pisces North Node shifts the direction of your career, community role, or collective contribution. You find fulfillment in creative or altruistic pursuits that nurture your soul, even if they don’t follow conventional career paths. This is a time to rethink what success truly means to you—it's less about climbing the ladder of success and more about aligning with your inner truth and making a difference. You’ve spent the past two years solidifying a foundation for your wildest dreams and ambitions to build off. Now that you've done the hard work, let the process flow more smoothly.
Cancer Sun or Rising
Prepare to reach more people with your knowledge and wisdom. With the North Node in Pisces, the current of your life is redirected. You will soon reclaim long-lost dreams and infuse your path with fresh inspiration. Whether it’s a dream of writing, teaching, or exploring the world, now is a time of discovery and inspiration. If you’ve felt disconnected from a long-term vision, this cosmic shift renews your sense of hope. You may feel drawn to learning, sharing ideas, or guiding others. The more people you connect with through your words and ideas, the more fulfilling your path feels.
Leo Sun or Rising
Your inner tide is changing. The North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your emotions, infusing your path with luminous inner and outer discoveries. Take inventory of your energetic investments and attachments. You’re getting ready to merge your life with someone or take your relationships to a deeper level of intimacy and trust. Let go of the need for specific outcomes and surrender to the natural flow of events. You may face situations where control must be relinquished—whether it’s over your emotions, relationships, or finances. The key lesson is to ease up on rigid control and trust the unknown. You may also discover that you've been overthinking—and overcomplicating—your approach to healing, wellness, and deep emotional connection.
Virgo Sun or Rising
Soften the harsh lens of your anxiety and allow yourself to embrace a sense of calm and possibility. With the North Node in Pisces, you are called to approach relationships with a softer, more compassionate perspective. You might feel an urge to hold relationships to an idealized standard or try to “fix” an aspect of your love life. This cosmic shift asks you to release perfectionism in favor of accepting your partners (and yourself) as whole and imperfect. Let go of overly practical or critical approaches, as you cultivate a deeper sense of compassion for your partner’s needs as well as your own. A new romantic cycle opened in your life recently. Follow the current of your intuition: it leads you to uncharted waters.
Libra Sun or Rising
Let your imagination run wild. The Moon’s North Node in Pisces redirects the current of your path, revealing hidden talents and discoveries. You’re on the journey to emotional and creative mastery. Tap into your creative outlets, whether it’s art, music, film, poetry, or writing. Nurture and expand your creative spark. Your work could take on a more artistic, healing, or spiritually-minded tone, as you seek to contribute to the well-being of others. But, if you don’t create a solid sense of self, you give away too much of your energy. This is a time to reflect on how your emotional well-being influences your daily life and health. Unresolved emotions, stress, or anxiety may be showing up in physical ways. Embrace imperfection and trust that following the flow of life can be just as effective—if not more so—than sticking to strict schedules or rigid expectations.
Scorpio Sun or Rising
The North Node in Pisces teaches valuable lessons on unconditional love, friendship, and authenticity. You will reach new heights in your close relationships, coming to terms with what dynamics or people you’ve outgrown. Rather than seeking perfection or attachment to idealistic notions of romance, you may be drawn to a more fluid, intuitive approach to love. Expand your capacity to be surprised and delighted. This is an inner call to dissolve rigid boundaries and open up to a more fluid, expansive experience of life. Whether through art, writing, dance, or any form of self-expression, embrace the healing power of creative play. Alchemize self-doubt into exploring your artistic potential. Trust in your ability to create something meaningful.
Sagittarius Sun or Rising
The Pisces North Node invites you to cultivate emotional safety and security. Find sanctuary within yourself. You could find yourself reflecting on where (or who) is home for you. Reclaim lost dreams or visions for your ideal home dynamic, environment, or overall lifestyle. Prioritize creating a home base that feels safe, supportive, and healing. A stronger foundation will help you feel more grounded and attuned to a vision for the future. You also find yourself meditating on household dynamics, emotional roots, and family. Healing family relationships or redefining your place within the family may be key to your personal growth. You are transcending emotional blocks. Embrace vulnerability, fluidity, and openness to deeper emotional fulfillment. You’re a professional shape-shifter, learning the power of directing the forms you take. This will involve shedding outgrown definitions of success and rigid control over your path.
Capricorn Sun or Rising
Prepare to shift the way you communicate. With the Moon’s North Node in Pisces, infuse your conversations with empathy and compassion. Whether through writing, speaking, or simply listening, you are called to express your thoughts with a deeper emotional resonance. Speak from the heart, not just the mind. By moving beyond rigid mindsets or thought patterns, you open yourself to more intuitive, authentic forms of self-expression. Whether you take a soul-stirring trip, explore a teaching role, or start a field of study, you feel called to leave behind what is familiar and set your sights on a new intellectual or spiritual horizon.
Aquarius Sun or Rising
With the North Node in Pisces, prepare to heal financial blockages and soften your relationship with money. This cosmic shift may bring up deep-rooted patterns or limiting beliefs, helping you clear any feelings of scarcity or unworthiness tied to finances. Meditate on what you anchor your self-esteem to and how worthy you feel of receiving abundance in your life. Explore what value means beyond material wealth. You may find yourself drawn to charitable work, creative projects, or experiences that enrich your life in intangible ways. Whether you explore an entrepreneurial venture, start freelancing your skills, or change career tracks, you are reimagining the way you make a living or value your talents. You could reclaim an undervalued skill, or discover an overlooked part of your inner self.
Pisces Sun or Rising
Although you’re hungry for expansion and growth, there is a small part of you clinging to the safety of familiar shores. Dive off the deep end. The Pisces North Node redirects the flow of your life path, infusing it with luminous inner and outer discoveries. While 2024 was emotionally heavy or challenging, the big feelings you processed will support you for years to come. Your inner glow will become an outer glow. Let go of rigid self-definitions and open up to a more fluid, accepting way of being. You’re on the cusp of major personal and romantic breakthroughs. You are discovering new facets of your identity that lead you to an emotionally fulfilling lifestyle. Step into a more compassionate, intuitive, and spiritually attuned version of yourself.