Moon Guidance Membership

Monthly resources

  • New moon

    A new moon occurs when the sun and moon align on opposite ends of the moon, so the moon’s backside is lit and frontside is dark, obscuring our view of la luna. In this obscured ‘nothingness' we find limitless potential.

    New moons are blank canvases for painting. New moons kick off the lunar cycle, symbolizing fresh starts and new beginnings. Use this lunar phase to take inventory of your energy, set intentions, and manifest.


    ✦ Clean and declutter

    ✦ Cleanse your space (using sage, palo santo, incense, candles, or essential oils)

    ✦ Create a sacred environment

    ✦ Sleep in fresh sheets

    ✦ Reflect

    ✦ New moon journal prompts

    ✦ Set intentions

    ✦ Meditate on your intentions

    ✦ Work with black obsidian, smoky quartz, or zodiac-inspired crystals

    ✦ Visionboard your manifestations

    Full moon

    A full moon describes when the moon is directly opposite the sun, and both luminaries are positioned 180 degrees apart in the zodiac. Full moons occur at the midpoint of a lunar cycle, or the moon’s orbit around the earth. Because the entire moon’s visible ‘frontside’ is illuminated during this phase, this is a time of clarity and completion.

    Full moons are a culmination or fulfillment of energy, intentions, or projects initiated during the previous new moon in the same sign. In astrology, the moon symbolizes emotions, intuition, and subconscious. Full moons heighten our sensitivity, intensifying emotions and illuminating any brewing issues in need of release.


    ✦ Clean and declutter

    ✦ Hot yoga or yin yoga

    ✦ Restore mind, body, soul connection

    ✦ Reflect on your new moon intentions

    ✦ Reflective dialogue

    ✦ Spend time around people

    ✦ Full moon journal prompts

    ✦ Work with clear quartz, selenite, moonstone, or zodiac-inspired crystals

    ✦ Intuitively pull a tarot or oracle card

    ✦ Release buried emotions

    ✦ Seek spiritual guidance such as reiki, tarot, or astrology

  • Q: I am a paid Moon Guidance member but am experiencing technical difficulties, such as not receiving the latest email. How do I fix this?

    A: First, search your inbox for “Cosmic Latte” or “" If this method fails, please contact us or email We will resolve your problem approximately within five business days.

    If the first method worked, move your first email to the primary inbox or add to your email contacts. You won’t miss any future emails!

    Q: How do I update my payment for the Moon Guidance membership?

    A: To update your credit card on file, please review our membership platform Help instructions.

    Q: How do I cancel my Moon Guidance membership?

    A: To cancel your membership, log-in to the Membership portal. After signing into your membership account, follow these instructions to cancel.

    Q: I’m a Moon Guidance member who unsubscribed from emails but was still charged last month. What do I do?

    A: In this scenario, you unsubscribed from free emails but did not cancel your paid membership. Please follow these instructions to cancel and email us for a full or partial refund.

    Q: Can I follow the moonscopes from a different timezone?

    A: Absolutely. While I am based in the U.S. and shape these moonscopes around EST and GMT, my moonscope audience extends to all corners of the world—from Norway to South Africa to French Polynesia to Australia to Japan (and so on).

    I highly recommend using the downloadable calendar feature. You can download moonscope calendars to sync with your iCal, Outlook, or Gmail calendar. When you do this, the calendar automatically updates to your time zone, and you can easily track where the moon is each day.